Formerly SAGE Metro Detroit, MiGen provides services, advocacy, fun, and connection to LGBTQ+ folks ages 45+. At MiGen, we believe in vibrant, authentic lives at any age, safe spaces and connected communities. Your gift of support allows our older adults not only to survive, but to thrive.
MiGen believes we have all earned the right to Age Out Loud and offers an array of programs and services intended to make the lives of LGBTQ+ folks ages 45+ safer, more connected, more vibrant and more FUN.
MiGen also offers several beginner to advanced options for in-person and virtual trainings with groups who want a better understanding of how to work with LGBTQ+ older adults and how to make their organization more LGBTQ+-friendly.
Checks and money orders can also be sent to: MiGen 290 W Nine Mile Rd, Ferndale, MI 48220
Interested in making a planned gift, a contribution from your donor advised fund or other investment account? Contact us at: agabridge@migenconnect.org.